The mission of a web agency


From the conceptualization of a project to the maintenance of a website such as Fire Style Magazine and the implementation of the necessary updates, take advantage of the cutting-edge expertise of a multidisciplinary team.

  • Integrators

    A web integrator or front-end developer assembles the components of a website and translates the graphic models into a suitable language.

  • Developers

    A web developer’s primary vocation is to write all or part of the programs essential to the proper functioning of web interfaces.

  • Engineers / Consultants

    Having a 360° vision of the field in which he or she excels, an engineer/consultant assesses needs, advises and proposes solutions.


Mastering mobile development at your fingertips, our team is dedicated to developing mobile applications
and web apps at the cutting edge of the latest mobile technologies and adapting exactly to your needs and requirements.

Our SEO Services


In order for your traffic to take off, you must implement actions that encourage search engine algorithms to correctly position your website, as was done for the Fashion And Beauty Tribes website.

As part of a tailor-made SEO strategy, these actions are a powerful lever on which you can leverage to optimize your website for search engines and subsequently forge sprawling visibility. They include keyword selection, on-page optimization (content, tags, URL, page speed…) and off-page optimization (backlinks…).

Nevertheless, implementing and orchestrating such actions is far from child’s play. That’s why it’s best to entrust it to an agency that masters all SEO techniques:

 SEO: position yourself naturally at the top of the SERPs

SEA referencing: buying and using commercial links

SMO referencing: using social media to optimize your referencing

SEM referencing: includes all referencing techniques (SEO, SEA and SEM).

Gain in Creativity!

Visual identity

Graphic charter

Product catalogue

Logo creation

Commercial brochure

Web design

The success of your communication strategy

Communication strategy

Integrated into your overall strategy and coupled with an effective webmarketing strategy, as is the case for the Stuttgarter Mode website, a communication strategy enables you to coordinate the actions required to achieve your communication objectives.

Community management

Community management is the art of creating an active community (followers, fans, subscribers, e-influencers, partners, customers…) around your brand, but also to seal a privileged relationship with it.

Advertising campaigns

An advertising campaign refers to the promotion of a product, service or brand of a business by means of an advertising message and/or slogan disseminated through one or more online communication channels.